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Make-Up Air​ Units and Accessories
In-Line Filtered Make-Up Air Units - Untempered
Modular Filtered Rooftop Make-Up Air Unit Fans
Make-Up Air Unit Accessories
CELDEK Evap Cooler​
Chilled Water Coil, Chilled Water Coil Module
DX Coil, DX Coil Module
Direct Fired Module​
Hot Water Coil, Hot Water Coil Module
Indirect Fired Bent Tube Module
Modulating Electric Coil, Modulating Electric Heat Module
Staged Electric Coil, Staged Electric Heat Module
Steam Coil, Steam Coil Module
Discharge Diffusers​
Downturn Plenum
Field Assembled Curbs
Intake Hoods
Mixing Box
Screen Intake
Exhaust Fans​
Axial Direct Drive Fans are the perfect low cost exhaust choice in the areas that have little or no ductwork, and thus, relatively low to moderate resistance. Rubber vibration mounts isolate motor, ensure quiet operation.
Ceiling and Inline Exhaust Fans
Inline Duct Fans​
High Efficiency Exhaust Fans
Standard Ceiling Fans
Designer Ceiling Fans
High Capacity Ceiling and Inline Fans
Centrifugal Downblast Exhaust Fans ​
Centrifugal Upblast Exhaust Fans
HVLS (High Volume Low Speeds) Ceiling Fans
Inline Exhaust Fans
Utility Sets​
Upblast Centrifugal Utility Sets​
General and Restaurant Duty Utility Sets​
Dedicated Outdoor HVAC Air System (DOAS)
Direct Fired Heaters
Kitchen Ventilation
Electric Controls​​
CaptiveAire Systems Software
Lighting Control Panels
Smart Controls
Kitchen Hoods
Island Hoods
Low Proximity Hoods
Wall Canopy Hoods
Pollution Control Kitchen Ventilation Units
CASLink Software​​​
Wall Grease Duct (Single / Double Wall)
Chimney Ductwork (Single / Double Wall)
Special Gas Vents (Single / Double Wall)
HVAC Supply Ducts